NoSQL operator: formtable

Print an arbitrary style report of a NoSQL table.

Usage: formtable [options] file.frm

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.

    --page-size=N (-pN)
      Page size is N lines. Default is 60 lines.

    --debug (-x)
      Debug option.


Formats and prints an arbitrary style report, as specified in the file
"file.frm". An (optional) page header may be specified.

The format of a form file is similar to a PERL format, except that
column names are used (without separating commas) instead of variable
names. The form file contains regular text, picture fields and
associated column names. Regular text prints just as given. Picture
fields define the width and justification for printing a data value from
a column. The names of the associated columns are listed on the line
following the picture fields and in the same order. Note that this file
should not contain any TAB characters; space characters should be used

Picture fields start with either '@' or '^' and are followed by one
of three primary characters to define the width of the field. The
three characters are '<', '>', or '|' to specify left, right, or
center justification respectively. There is also an alternate right
justification character for printing numeric data, with optional decimal
point. The character is the sharp sign '#' and a period specifies the
decimal point placement, as in '@########.##'.

A numeric picture field has the following features:

- Data is lined up on the decimal point (if any).
- Automatic rounding of data.
- Automatic conversion of data in scientific notation.

Numeric Data may be in the form of integers, fixed point, or scientific
notation' e.g. 12345, 4567.345, or 1.678E17.

Normally picture fields start with the '@' character. That means to put
the referenced data value into the defined picture field, or as much
of the data as will fit into the field, if the data is larger than the
field. If the field starts with the '^' character it means to repeat the
field on as many lines as necessary in order to print the entire data
value. This is useful for large data fields, such as comments or free

Instead of a column name there are some special names that can be used
to have other information inserted. This are especially useful if there
is a page header:

  Special Name        Substituted in output
  ------------        -----------------------------------------------
  _pgnr_              current page number
  _date_              current date
  _rcnr_              current record number (row number)
  _`cmd`_             the output of the command 'cmd'

As an example, let's take the following sample table:

   ------  -----  ----  -----  --------  --------
   Bush       44  A       133  Another       This
   Hansen     44  A        23  One             Is
   Jones      77  X        77  Here            On
   Perry      77  B       244  And            The
   Hart       77  D      1111  So           Right
   Holmes     65  D      1111  On            Edge

Here is an example of a form file for use with such table:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
format top =
Page @>,            The Page Header     @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   _pgnr_                                       _date_

format =
  Name:   @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<          Type:  @>>>>
           NAME                          TYP
              Total: @<<<<<<<<     Other:  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                     AMT                        OTHER
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

The first and last lines (those that start with 'format' or a single
period) define the pictorial records and must be as shown. The first
record defines the header and is optional. If such form file (named
sample.frm) were used in the command:

              formtable sample.frm < table

it would produce the following one-page report:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
Page  1,            The Page Header     Mon Dec  2 16:21:18 PST 1991

Name:   Bush                                        Type:      A
              Total: 133           Other:  Another
Name:   Hansen                                      Type:      A
              Total: 23            Other:  One
Name:   Jones                                       Type:      X
              Total: 77            Other:  Here
Name:   Perry                                       Type:      B
              Total: 244           Other:  And
Name:   Hart                                        Type:      D
              Total: 1111          Other:  So
Name:   Holmes                                      Type:      D
              Total: 1111          Other:  On
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

For another example, one might want to have a date on a report in other
than the standard date output format, and an idea of who executed the
program, and have a reference count of the records being produced. The
form file might be as follows:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
format top =
Run By: @<<<<<<<        The Date/Time is    @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    _`whoami`_                           _`date "+%m/%d/%y %H:%M"`_
format =
RecordNr:  @>>      @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
          _rcnr_    OTHER
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

When used against the above sample table, such form file would produce:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
Run By: hobbs           The Date/Time is    10/15/91 09:43

RecordNr:        1      Other data here
RecordNr:        2      and here,
RecordNr:        3      and so on.
...             ...     ...
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

Another example shows how longer data values can be
handled. Let's take this other form file:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
format top =
Page @>,                Page Header here                 @<<<<<<<<<<<<<
_pgnr_                                      _`date "+%m/%d/%y %H:%M"`_
            Executed by @<<<<<<< on: @<<<<<<<<<
                        `whoami`     _`hostname`_

format =
Name:   @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Other: @<<<<<<<<<<        Type: @<<<<<<<<
        NAME              OTHER                            TYP
 Comment:   ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    Long: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    Right: @>>>>>>>
        COMMENT                   LONG                     RIGHT
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

When used against the above sample table, such form would produce:

----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------
Page  1,                Page Header here                 12/02/91 16:32
            Executed by hobbs    on: id

Name:   Bush              Other: Another            Type: A
 Comment:   A comment          Long: This a long        Right:     This
        here.                    message for
Name:   Hansen            Other: One                Type: A
 Comment:   A longer           Long: This a long        Right:       Is
        comment here.            message for
Name:   Jones             Other: Here               Type: X
 Comment:   A longer,          Long: Short test.        Right:       On
        longer comment
Name:   Perry             Other: And                Type: B
 Comment:   A short comment    Long: This a long        Right:      The
        here.                    message for
Name:   Hart              Other: So                 Type: D
 Comment:   Little here.       Long: Here too.          Right:    Right
Name:   Holmes            Other: On                 Type: D
 Comment:   A comment here     Long: A short            Right:     Edge
        that is a                message.
        little ongoing,
        so to speak.
----------------------------- cut -----------------------------------

Note that since there were two picture fields that started with the '^'
character on one line the length of output records varies according to
the length of the two associated data values.